
作者:摄影: 审核: 来源: 发布时间:2019-08-13 阅读次数:2691




Suzhou Mingcheng Wonderkids Kindergarten was established by Lunhua Education and Suzhou Broadcasting Education Investment Co.Ltd., and aims to provide a diversified state of the art international pre-school education for young learners. The kindergarten is located in the CBD of SIP. The kindergarten environment is fashionable, artistic, open and multifunctional. The indoor areas are designed from the perspective of young learners in order to promote the concept of the “The Cultural Field for Global Citizens” which combines the functions for reading, art, exploring, nature and ecology.




Share all Rich Educational Resources

Suzhou SIP Mingcheng Wonderkids Kindergarten shares the high quality teaching resources from the department of Radio and Television and is supported by "Small Boots"club featured courses. We take full advantage of the facilities within the Radio and Television Bureau and aim to develop children's artistic, expressive and sporting abilities as the core.


We adhere Lunhua Education's school philosophy of "Broad Knowledge for Global Citizens, Enlightened Wisdom for Fulfilled Lives."With the guidance of General Principal Charles's "6C" goals,  we aim to build up a multi-lingual culture influenced environment in order to create a delicate and exquisite characteristic kindergarten. It is supported by Lunhua Education’s rich experience in running and managing schools and combines this with the specialized education resources of Suzhou Broadcasting.



Lead by Professional International Team

我们拥有具备幼教专业资质及丰富幼儿教育、保育经验的中教教师,和来自英文为母语的欧美国家,拥有专业资质的外教走班教师。 每班配备2名中教一名保育老师,并配备一名外教走班特色教师

· Chinese teachers with professional qualifications of early childhood education and with extensive experience in early childhood education and child care.

· Native English speaking foreign teachers from Europe or North America with professional education qualification to teach in different classes.

· 2 Chinese teachers, one foreign specialist teacher and one care teacher for each class.




International and Creative Curriculum


Giving full play to the resource advantages of radio and television to promote the artistic characteristics and skills within the kindergarten through activities such as little host, little reporter, acting, ballet, Latin dance, traditional Chinese painting, gouache, children’s painting, creative artists and ceramic art. We also cultivate health through football, Taekwondo, and roller skating among other sports.


The multidimensional and stereoscopic curriculum of Twinklekidz comply with children's development characteristics, respect each child's personality, and advocate each curriculum concept for children's multidimensional development.

It encourages children to become proactive learners.
