
作者:摄影: 审核: 来源: 发布时间:2018-10-15 阅读次数:1818



 Lunhua Education Suzhou Science and Technology Town Foreign Language School affiliated Lunbable baby Early Childhood Educational Development Center is the exclusive agent of Singapore leading brand Twinklekidz. Twinklekidz was established in 2003 in Singapore to offer an excellent bilingual preschool program in English and Mandarin for children from 0 months to 6 years old. Twinklekidz curriculum integrated Singapore Kindergarten Curriculum Framework- Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) and was designed by the senior experts from Singapore Education Ministry. It works on a balanced and holistic education, centering on the strong integration of life-skills together with the Arts, which will equip children to be out-of-the-box thinkers and doers.


欢乐屋综合课程Fun House (1个月以上婴幼儿)

音乐律动课程 Music(6个月以上)

艺术派想象力课程Art Pie (18个月以上)

科学大爆炸探索课程The Big Bang Science (24个月以上)

托幼衔接课程Ready For Kindergarten (30个月以上)

环球探险课程Travel around the world(18个月以上)

亲子英文课程 Happy English(18个月以上)



绿色安全环境Ecological Environment


专业师资团队Professional Instructors

双语环境渗透Bilingual environment

优质品牌&知名学校强强联手Leading Brand & First Class School